✨ If you want to order a product please fill the contact form ✨


When you buy a product on our website you buy the item, not the copyright. When you buy an original piece of art or print you can’t reproduce it. It is against the law to copy it, reproduce it or use it for commercial purposes. If you want to use with commercial purposes it please contact the artist.

Erotic category
The Erotic art category is meant for people +18 y/o, if you're younger please ask concent from your parents or guardians before buying.

Shipping & handling
We deliver packages at least once a week. Please be patient :)

Address mistake
If you do not fill in the correct address or an incomplete address your order might take longer or might not arrive at all. Please send us an email so we can change your address on time. Once we put your package in the mail we are not responsible for orders lost or late due to incorrect addressing on your part. 

Payments accepted
We only accept Paypal as a payment method in the webshop. If you don't have paypal please contact us by email or instagram.

Promo code 
If you have forgotten to redeem your code upon checkout, we're sorry but it can no longer be redeemed after the payment process. But we'll send you some extra magic in your order instead <3